One month of spoon carving by Adam Shand
Meeting Mr. Coolness by Adam Shand
Netscape Turns 30 by Adam Shand
Karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus) by Kate G. McAlpine
Defiance by Adam Shand
Lengthy Memoranda and Gobbledygook Language by Maury Maverick
Sometimes a wild god by Tom Hirons
Questionnaire by Wendell Berry
My old friend by Adam Shand
Bootcamp, Svelte and a New Website by Adam Shand
Automatically create SSHFP records on Cloudflare DNS by Adam Shand
Howto to Encrypt Selected Files in a Git Repository by Adam Shand
🥩🍖 A Carnivorous Adventure 🥓🍳 by Adam Shand
Shitsville 2020 by Adam Shand
Making and Breaking by Adam Shand
Escaping the Big Apple? by Adam Shand
What You Eat Matters by Adam Shand
Heavenly Bodies by Adam Shand
The Kindness of Strangers by Adam Shand
Wildfire by Bill Mollison
Firestick by Adam Shand
In silence we trust? by Adam Shand
Getting Started with Permaculture in NZ by Adam Shand
Mr. Stanton by Adam Shand
Syntropic Agriculture Workshop at Gabalah Farm by Adam Shand
Syntropic Agroforestry Resources (in English) by Adam Shand
Too late by Adam Shand
Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card by Adam Shand
Lilith's Brood by Octavia Butler by Adam Shand
the delicate breath of the wind by Adam Shand
Miraculous Abundance by Perrine & Charles Hervé-Gruyer by Adam Shand
Never in the History of Calming Down by Adam Shand
Nanolaw with Daughter by Paul Ford
Simple Email Encryption on the Mac by Adam Shand
God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian by Kurt Vonnegut by Adam Shand
Two People Walked by Adam Shand
Five Years by Adam Shand
we're broke by Adam Shand
A Realistic Wellington Calendar by Adam Shand
Exploring Ideas on Living by Adam Shand
Managers Anonymous: A Support Group by Adam Shand
Hopes for Humanity by Wendell Berry
All I Want by Adam Shand
A Love Letter to Thailand by Adam Shand
Literary Caricatures by Adam Shand
Is Praise Counterproductive? by Adam Shand
Kick it Over Manifesto by Kalle Lasn
The Hand-Sculpted House by Ianto Evans by Adam Shand
Building a Cabin from a Shipping Container by Adam Shand
Saints and Psychopaths by William Hamilton by Adam Shand
The Power of Movies by Adam Shand
… and then it was upon us by Adam Shand
The Myth of Sex Addiction by David J. Ley by Adam Shand
A Small Book About Drugs by Lisa Pryor by Adam Shand
A Simple Misunderstanding by Adam Shand
The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham by Adam Shand
A Language of Life by Marshall Rosenberg by Adam Shand
Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha by Daniel Ingram by Adam Shand
War of the Worldviews by Deepak Chopra and Leonard Mlodinow by Adam Shand
Kinda Hoping I Had by Adam Shand
It's a Complicated Relationship by Adam Shand
Schismatrix by Bruce Sterling by Adam Shand
I Walk the Line by Johnny Cash by Adam Shand
My Advice to Others Planning to Start an Ecovillage by Lois Arkin
Australian Bee Forage Calendar by Adam Shand
Managing Wrist Pain by Adam Shand
How many have perished? by Adam Shand
When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chödrön by Adam Shand
Monkey seeks truth by Adam Shand
Ergonomic Guidelines for Computer Work by Unknown
Food Allergies & Intolerances by Unknown
Red Head Facts by Terry Comber
Introduction to Distributed Version Control Systems by Adam Shand
The GG Allin Manifesto by GG Allin
The Parable of the Fisherman by Unknown
The Egg by Andy Weir
May the Night Be Kind by Adam Shand
How We Solve Problems by Adam Shand
The Lizard, the Catacombs and the Clock by Sean Michaels
In Stillness … by Adam Shand
Staying Quit by Adam Shand
A Caterpillar Crisis by Adam Shand
Sex, Trash & Transport by Adam Shand
At Rest in Nusa Lembongan by Adam Shand
Life After Weta? by Adam Shand
Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist by Paul Kingsnorth
An Exclusion Diet: The Report by Adam Shand
Blood Music by Greg Bear by Adam Shand
Learning to Scuba Dive by Adam Shand
Rice Tea by Adam Shand
Little Brother by Cory Doctorow by Adam Shand
An Exclusion Diet by Adam Shand
The Monkey Experiment by Unknown
Untold Truths About the American Revolution by Howard Zinn
Processing CSVs on the Command Line by Adam Shand
Structured Procrastination by John Perry
Wellington Beer Festival by Adam Shand
Baa Camp 2009 by Adam Shand
Catherine Carswell on DH Lawrence by Adam Shand
Selecting Java Version on Mac OSX Leopard by Adam Shand
21st Century Syndrome by Ty Power
Intentions for 2009 by Adam Shand
10000 Maniacs: Hey Jack Kerouac by Natalie Merchant
The Last Viridian Note by Bruce Sterling
Hopes & Fears by Anne Waldman by Adam Shand
SIGGRAPH 2008 by Adam Shand
Experimenting With Fasting by Adam Shand
Getting SpamAssassin to Trust Authenticated SMTP Clients by Adam Shand
The User's Guide to Steampunk by Bruce Sterling
Food And Permaculture by David Blume
Guerilla Open Access Manifesto by Aaron Swartz
How I Roll: The Ten Day Rule and Other Consultingology by Stewe Boyd
The Playful Search for Beauty by Eva Zeisel by Adam Shand
How to Repair the Cisco VPN Client by Adam Shand
SSH Tricks by Adam Shand
1,000 True Fans by Kevin Kelly
How to Disagree by Paul Graham
Baa Camp 2008 by Adam Shand
iPhoto Now Supports IPTC Metadata by Adam Shand
A Brief History of Christmas by John Steele Gordon
The End of Pegasus Mail by Adam Shand
The Easy Way To Generate OpenSSL CSRs with subjectAltNames by Adam Shand
There's Never Enough Time to Do All the Nothing You Want by Bill Watterson
How to Give a Technical Presentation by Ken Caruso
Mike Swann by Adam Shand
Rules for Lockheed Skunk Works by Unknown
Women Who Pee Standing Up by Denise Decker
Lessons on Public Speaking by Dave Hitz
Roundhouse in Wales by Adam Shand
Sniglets and Blivets by Adam Shand
The Farmer's Time on Earth by Adam Shand
The Myth of Talent by Craig Tanner
Ridiculous Amounts of Spam by Adam Shand
Introduction to SQLite by Adam Shand
Lessons Learned From Previous Employment by Adam Shand
Accelerando by Charles Stross by Adam Shand
Wireless Networking in the Developing World by Adam Shand
Get Back in the Box by Douglas Rushkoff by Adam Shand
Moving Home Wrap Up by Adam Shand
Glenn Fleishman on Community Wireless by Adam Shand
Lightning Talk at Linux Conference Australia by Adam Shand
Being with Ourselves by Unknown
This is Water by David Foster Wallace
All About Immigrating to New Zealand by Adam Shand
My Father's Creed by Brett Shand
Apache Tips and Tricks by Adam Shand
Pairing by Wilfred Bion
Letting Go by Adam Shand
Continuous Partial Attention by Adam Shand
Integrating Apple OSX Clients with an OpenLDAP Directory by Adam Shand
Bitter Sweet by Adam Shand
I Have Become an Intelligent Agent by Adam Shand
Saying Yes by Dave Eggers
Ladder of Inference by Gene Bellinger
Morgan Morgan by Adam Shand
Waking Up by Adam Shand
The Art of X by Adam Shand
Never Gonna Pay Back the Favours by Adam Shand
Leaving Alaska by Adam Shand
Moving Back to New Zealand by Adam Shand
Six Months of not Smoking by Adam Shand
The Joy of Kites by Adam Shand
Security Doesn't Create Trust by Adam Shand
Le Parkour by Adam Shand
Where Ideas Come From by Warren Ellis
The Marsh Arabs by Adam Shand
Location Aware Computing by Adam Shand
Collecting Manifesti? by Adam Shand
Lunch With Bill Loughborough by Adam Shand
Wiki to Blog and Back Again by Adam Shand
I Can Hear You Talking Dirty by Adam Shand
Discovering Logical Rudeness by Adam Shand
Contradiction and Ambiguity by Adam Shand
Integrating Active Directory With Apache by Adam Shand
George Carlin: The planet is fine by George Carlin
Agile Software Manifesto by Kent Beck
Time Travel Spam by Robby Todino Jr.
The Clusterfuck Nation Manifesto by Jim Kunstler
The Zen TV Experiment by Bernard McGrane
Second Manifesto of the Space Hijackers by Unknown
Lobsters by Charlie Stross
Worldwide Raver's Manifesto by Unknown
Why the Future Doesn't Need Us by Bill Joy
The Old Bastard's Manifesto by Warren Ellis
Hard Times: A Letter From 2035 by Bruce Sterling
Reality Check by David Brin
Logical Rudeness by Peter Suber
Talking to TCP Services by Adam Shand
The Cluetrain Manifesto by Christopher Locke
First Things First by Adbusters
In the Beginning… was the Command Line by Neal Stephenson
Installing Debian on an IBM ThinkPad 390 by Adam Shand
Absolutely Clear by Hafez
Ship of Fools by Ted Kaczynski
Surviving the Nippy Bitch by Mark Muro
Viridian Design Manifesto by Bruce Sterling
What the Living Do by Marie Howe
A Cure for Waves and Jams by William Beaty
Frontpage suEXEC Hack by Adam Shand
Frontpage Server Extensions by Adam Shand
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace by John Perry Barlow
Keynote Address at the "Eleventh World Conference on Gifted and Talented Children" by Linda Silverman
A Cypherpunk's Manifesto by Eric Hughes
They're Made of Meat? by Terry Bisson
Some Thoughts on the Real World by One Who Glimpsed It and Fled by Bill Watterson
The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto by Timothy C. May
The Conscience of a Hacker by The Mentor
Consciousness and the Voices of the Mind by Julian Jaynes
Man Eating Lizards by Charlie Stross
Aikido in Action by Terry Dobson
Dr. Marten's Boots by Alexei Sayle
Why Are Americans Afraid of Dragons? by Ursula Le Guin
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas by Ursula Le Guin
Secrets of the Little Blue Box by Ron Rosenbaum
The Tyranny of Structurelessness by Jo Freeman
Beat Zen, Square Zen and Zen by Alan Watts
Karma Repair Kit: Items 1-4 by Richard Brautigan
Belief & Technique for Modern Prose by Jack Kerouac
The Man Who Planted Trees by Jean Giono
How to Get Things Done by Robert Benchley
As We May Think by Vannevar Bush
Letter Home From Repatriation Camp by Kurt Vonnegut
The Inner Ring by C.S. Lewis
Letter #43 to Michael Tolkien by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Price for Doing Professional Work by F. Scott Fitzgerald
In Praise of Idleness by Bertrand Russell
Marriage and Love by Emma Goldman
If— by Rudyard Kipling
What May Happen in the Next Hundred Years by John Elfreth Watkins Jr.
Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Marx
Benjamin Franklin's Thirteen Virtues by Benjamin Franklin