Netscape Turns 30
JWZ posts that Mosaic Netscape just turned 30.
In October 1994, Earthlight (our family's Dunedin ISP) had just come out of beta phase and was offering dial up internet for $1 per hour. Customers could dial in via four 14.4k Dynalink modems which connected to our Sun SPARC SLC workstation for either shell or PPP access.
Our connection to the internet was provided by Otago University (at that time the only other sources of internet in Dunedin were the City Council and David Harris who created Pegasus Mail). The connection to Otago University was managed by two permanently connected 16.8k ZyXel modems and two 286 routers running KA9Q.
My memory is fuzzy, but I think all of NZ still shared a single 128k frame relay link that went out from Waikato University to the United States.
Loading facebook.com uses about 8MB which would take over an hour to download on one of our 14.4k modems.
Gosh I'm old.
don't let existential dread get to you, if you made it long enough to see Netscape turn 30, then you should be celebrating with joy lol.
Posted on 12 Nov 2024 by CodeFallacy