Meeting Mr. Coolness
We used to have a small jumping spider that lived on the bannister at the top of the stairs. We learned that she liked to say "hello" to us by waving her front legs. If we put our finger out she'd come and do a fist bump. Sadly we haven't seen her for a year or so.
This morning as I was setting up to make coffee, I looked down at my empty coffee cup and saw a small black fly on the rim. Something caught my eye, and looking closer I saw that he was determindly waving his front legs at me as if he was asking for help or trying to say "hi!".
Instinctively I put my finger down on the rim of the cup with the tip of my fingernail right in front of him. He immediately walked onto my finger.
Our house has big sky lights which are an insect death trap, so my instinct was that he wanted help getting out of the house. He happily stayed on my finger as I walked out of the house and into the garden.
I paused to admire him in the sunshine and then put my finger down next to a flower and he happily strolled onto the flower. ❤️
(Sadly I didn't get a photo, the fly below is an approximate match of Mr. Coolness himself.)