Getting Started with Permaculture in NZ

Getting Started with Permaculture in NZ by Adam Shand

What is Permaculture?

The strength (and weakness) of permaculture is that it is many things to many people. Ask any two people “what is permaculture?” and I can almost guarantee that you’ll get two different answers. At its heart, permaculture is design language based on an evolving set of ethics and principles which help us work in harmony with the natural systems of our world.

My favourite way to think of permaculture goes like this: if being indigenous means to be “of a place”, then permaculture is a toolkit which helps the non-indigenous begin to relearn what it means to be “of a place”.


  • Permaculture in New Zealand – PiNZ is the primary permaculture organisation in New Zealand. They organise the yearly hui, certify designers and manage a website which lists events
  • PiNZ on Facebook – A very active community, lots of chat and some technical permaculture discussion.

Relevant Associations

Bioregional Groups

Teachers & Coaches

Holistic Management



Farm or Garden Tours

Seeds and Plants

Books & Booklets

Permaculture books by New Zealanders or about New Zealand:

You can see my broader collection (and some reviews) of permaculture related books on Goodreads.


There is a small, and growing, collection of New Zealand permaculture related podcasts:

There are also some overseas podcasts which have interviewed New Zealanders:



Copyheart 1994–2025 Adam Shand. Sharing is an act of love.