Kāpiti Permie Meetup
We are a small group of permaculture enthusiasts that have been getting together monthly since 2018. We take turns meeting at each others property to talk “permaculture” and have a cup of tea. Sometimes a demonstration or a design exercise is part of the morning.
Past sessions have included demonstrations like:
- An introduction to natural building in Otaki Beach with @naturalbuildingotaki.
- A foraging tour of the old Otaki Hospital grounds with @finderseaters.
- Identifying soil microbiology using a microscope in Peka Peka with @livingground.
- Designing a pond system in Otaki with @greenearth.
You don’t need to know about permaculture, we’re all learning! Come along to ask questions and share what you know.
Meetups are typically the second Sunday of the month from 10:30am – 1:30pm. Details vary depending on the host but usually go something like this:
- Introductions and a chat
- Property tour and Q&A
- (Sometimes) a demonstration
- The group splits: some collaborate on a design for the property, and others continue to chat.
There is no charge and no need to RSVP. Just come when you’re keen!
If you would like to be contacted about future meetups please send me an email.