
41 Random Quotes

 Azby Brown «The Genius of Japanese Carpentry»
 Paul Theroux «The Happy Isles of Oceania (Tony the Beachcomber)»
 John Ruskin «


» in #crying, #failing & #laughing
 Tim Smit «Tim Smit Created Eden, Dumbo Feather»
 Masanobu Fukuoka «Sowing Seeds in the Desert»
 Charles Bukowski «Factotum»
 Mark Manson «Stop Trying to be Happy»
 Adam Shand «

I regret this statement, I was young and overly optimistic

 Proverb «Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog»
 Edmund Burke «A Letter to a Member of the National Assembly»
 Aldo Leopold «The Land Ethic»
 Thích Nhất Hạnh «Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames»
 Proverb «» in #healing & #loving
 Jack Schofield «

Schofield's Third Law of Computing

» in #breaking, #nerding & #teaching
 Gardner Dozois «via Cory Doctorow, Cold Equations and Moral Hazard»
 William Blake «via Anna Banas» in #healing & #teaching
 Clarissa Pinkola Estés «comment on The Heartland by Charles Eisenstein» in #making
 Tim Smit «Tim Smit Created Eden, Dumbo Feather»