
41 Random Quotes

 Aleks Suchecki «comment on the Take It Easy Manifesto»
 Irving Blitzer «Cool Runnings»
 Herman Melville «Moby-Dick»
 Brian Eno «Oblique Strategies»
 Paul Theroux «“The Happy Isles of Oceania”»
 Bruce Sterling «Farewell to Beyond the Beyond» in #laughing & #making
 Adam Shand «

I regret this statement, I was young and overly optimistic

 Unknown «in my notes from KiwiFoo Camp 2012»
 Proverb «

via Building Love that Lasts

» in #crying, #failing & #healing
 Clinton Callahan «

Building Love that Lasts

» in #daring & #teaching
 Dinos Christianopoulos «

The Body and the Wormwood

» in #inspiring & #wilding
 Bono «via Q with Tom Power» in #healing & #making
 Tetrijeb «

review on The Seeing that Frees
